Preparedness Day

Featured information
Start date:
May 2, 2018
End date:
Pau Costa Foundation

Preparedness Days are events organized for residents living in forest areas, who are therefore at risk of experiencing a wildfire near their homes.

Various territorial managers (firefighters, civil protection, environmental agents, etc.) visit the homeowners at their houses to raise awareness, going door-to-door, about the fact that their homes are in a wildfire risk zone and provide them with a series of recommendations to follow.

The implementation of this day is based on the NFPA’s work with neighbourhood communities over the past few years: NFPA National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

We have carried out several editions:

1st Edition (2018)

The first edition of the Wildfire Prevention Day in Spain was held in the municipality of Vacarisses on May 2, 2018, thanks to the collaboration of the Barcelona Provincial Council. On the same day, the Civil Protection of Torrelodones organized a similar event in their municipality.

Additionally, this day was celebrated simultaneously in 4 Italian towns: Riva del Sole and Principina a Mare (Grosseto), La Gabella (Pisa), and Caiano (Florence), thanks to the collaboration of the regional government, Regione Toscana, and Protezione Civile Regione Toscana.

2nd Edition (2019)

The second edition took place in Begur on June 8, 2019, in the province of Girona, thanks to the collaboration of the Girona Provincial Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya.

3rd Edition (2021)

The third edition was held in El Bruc on October 27, in the province of Barcelona, with the support of the Public Safety Institute of Catalonia, Civil Protection, the Barcelona Provincial Council, Bombers de la Generalitat, ADF El Bruc, and Mossos d’Esquadra.

On May 8 of the same year, the Pau Costa Foundation participated online in the Preparedness Day organized by the Reggione Toscana (Italy).

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