Wildfires are becoming more and more common and recurring. In Catalonia, rural abandonment and the drought conditions of the forests imposed by climate change have caused fires to become more intense and severe. Faced with this, it is important to pass on the knowledge we have about forest fires to the population, particularly the younger ones, to be prepared and have more elements of context that contribute to rethinking the current economic and social model.
This learning and service project, aimed at high school students, aims to raise awareness and community action on wildfires. By applying the learning acquired through a field experience, students perform community service choosing between a participatory environmental education and/or citizen science action to evaluate the effects of fires or the care of the environment as a prevention tool. In total, there are 10 hours, which are taught in forest areas close to the educational centers.
- Know the current situation of the landscape and the situation of forest fires and climate change.
- Understand the concept of self-protection in relation to forest fires.
- Develop proposals and strategies to adapt the landscape and society to forest fires and climate change.
- Carry out a service to raise awareness among the local population about the problem or to influence the prevention of forest fires and self-protection at the local level.
Service learning is an educational methodology that combines the acquisition of knowledge and skills with active participation in community service projects. Students are involved in practical activities that respond to real needs in the community, thus creating a link between the school and the social environment. This methodology encourages critical reflection, teamwork and civic responsibility, as students apply knowledge learned in class to contribute to the common good.
Project’s structure

Pilot tests
We have identified two schools where pilot tests will be carried out to put into practice, assess and adapt the contents and results of the project. There will be a third school to be determined. By clicking on each school you can access the resources generated when they are available.
If you are an organization, school or institute interested in carrying out this learning and service project, please fill out this form. You can also contact us at info@paucostafoundation.org for any questions or concerns.
Map of entities, schools and institutes affiliated to the project
This Learning and Service project has been developed thanks to the support of the Departament de Territori, Habitatge i Transició Ecològica de la Generalitat de Catalunya.