
Featured information
Start date:
Nov 1, 2021
End date:
Oct 31, 2025
3.259.371 €
Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis

The overarching objective of the FireLogue project is to create a network and a platform for the discussion on the future of European WFRM, engaging the entirety of the WFRM community. Focusing on supporting the Innovation Actions funded under H2020 call, FIRELOGUE integrates actors and findings into cross-sectoral WFRM recommendations for a 2030 roadmap.

FIRELOGUE expects to facilitate discussion and exchange between institutions and organisations involved on WFRM to co-develop integrated strategies aiming to reduce fatalities, fire accidental ignitions and fire emissions. FIRELOGUE activities are also expected to impact on reducing the time for controlling potential harmful and extreme fires, increasing fire resilience in Nature 2000 protected areas, increasing the use of prescribed fire treatments at EU level, reducing building losses and increasing insurance coverage in rural activities and assets.

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