
“Partner Webinar Series”, with IAWF and AFE
Date Webinar 1 July 18 Time 17h (CEST) The International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF), Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) and the Pau Costa Foundation

Presentation of the “Declaration on the management of great wildfires in Spain”
It is undeniable that Spain is facing a complex problem that is worsening day by day with climate change. Wildfires occupy the front pages of

PyroLife 2023 Conference: The Four Axes of Diversity of Wildfire
Date: 14th-16th March 2023 Place: Barcelona Organizers: Pau Costa Foundation, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Wageningen University & Research Three years after the launch of

Fire Ecology Across Boundaries: Connecting Science and Management
Date: 02-04/10/2022 Place: Firenze (Italy) and online Organisers: Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) and Pau Costa Foundation (PCF) Web page: FIRE ACROSS BOUNDARIES The

The impact of fire in Montseny
Date: 14/05/2022 Place: Museu Etnològic del Montseny, Arbúcies Time: 11:30h to 18h Organisers: Pau Costa Foundation Information of the conference Kaythleen Uyttewaal, PhD student of