Featured information
Start date:
Jan 1, 2020
End date:
Dec 31, 2021
70.311 €
Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC)
Participating entities:

Reinforcing civil protection capabilities into multi-hazard risk assessment under climate change (RECIPE) seeks to develop operational recommendations and tools to reinforce civil protection in emergency management and risk planning for different natural hazards across Europe while simultaneously addressing climate change impacts through an integrated risk management approach and exchange of lessons learned and best practice sharing.

By means of putting together multi-hazard expertise from science and practice on wildfires, floods, storms, avalanches, rock-falls and landslides, the main impacts of climate change on risk management will be identified. The potential scenarios of unprecedented multi-hazard risk events will be considered. The interactions between prevention-preparedness-response actions in projected climate change scenarios will be analysed with an active participation of practitioners and other users. Accordingly, civil protection requirements to face this new risk management challenges caused by climate change impacts will also be identified.

Project documents

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