Featured information
Start date:
Jan 1, 2020
End date:
Dec 31, 2021
92.297.050 €
M. Eulàlia Parés (CTTC)

(Indoor-Outdoor Positioning for Emergency Staff)

The IOPES is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), under the call UCPM-2019-PP-AG

The 2019 Call for Proposal (Preparedness projects) focused on strengthening preparedness for responding to multi-sector emergencies, including health, CBRN, environment and marine pollution in Europe and its Neighbourhoods. IOPES targets the specific objective number two: Developing operational tools to facilitate emergency response.

The IOPES project integrates wearable positioning technologies, LTE/5G portable and easily deployable communications, a seasoned IT-based emergency management system as well as fast mapping products in order to track the positions of the members of emergency teams, no matter whether they are indoors or outdoors, willing to strengthen the preparednes of civil protection and emergency teams involved in several kind of disaster-related operations.

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