Featured information
Start date:
Jan 1, 2019
End date:
Jan 1, 2023
Artemi Cerdà
Participating entities:
·  Stefan Doerr  
·  Lea Wittenberg  
·  Joao Nunes  
·  Núria Prat  
·  Anna Brook  
·  Thomas Smith  

FIRElinks develops a network of scientists and professionals from across the EU involved in forest fire research and land management. Likewise, it connects with communities of different scientific and geographical origins, allowing the discussion of different experiences and the emergence of new approaches to fire research.

The PCF is the leader of WG5, Socio-Economic aspects of fire & fire risk management. Specifically, we co-organize the Exchange of Experts, which will take place in Badde Salighes, Province of Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy. From March 24 to 27. More details here

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