Wildfires, Fire Ecology and Crisis Management.

Resilient landscapes and societies

Towards a better adaptation to fire in the context of climate change

Knowledge and applied science

Projects that connect the fire community, research and society


Training frameworks to empower organizations and professionals

Annual Report

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In the last few years, extreme wildfires have risen to international prominence, with widespread media coverage and political attention triggered by devastating fires in many places of the world, e.g.... [+]
Ramats de Foc
“Fire Flocks” is a project that helps manage forest fire risk through shepherding. The contribution of herds in fire risk management is enhanced through shepherding in strategic areas. Fire Flocks... [+]
The Mediterranean Forest, the Fire and You (MeFiTu), is an environmental awareness project on the ecology of forest fires aimed at primary school students to educate, communicate and raise awareness... [+]
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PyroLife consolidates the first European doctoral programme on Integrated Fire Management  

The European project PyroLife, an Innovative Training Network, successfully concluded in December. Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Horizon2020 programme, PyroLife has made significant strides in training …

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The ‘Foc i Biodiversitat’ project starts to conserve and enhance the resilience of the Alta Garrotxa Protected Natural Area

Today, the kick-off meeting of the ‘Foc i Biodiversitat‘ project took place in Beget (Camprodon), attended by the Director General of Environmental Policies and Natural Environment, Marc Vilahur; the Director …


Boosting climate resilience in the Barcelona Metropolitan Areas

Funded by the European Union, the CARMINE project is accelerating efforts to strengthen climate resilience in metropolitan communities across Europe. By providing tools, strategies and plans, the project aims to …


Presentation of the “Declaration on the management of large wildfires in Spain” in Aragón

Date October 10, 2024 Venue  Eco Museo Centro Visitantes del Castillo de Aínsa (Aínsa, Huesca) Time 4:45pm Clearly, Spain faces a complex problem that is worsening daily with climate change. …


Partner Webinar Series: “Emergency Management in Argentina: The Case of the Alerces National Park Fire in 2024 – El Centinela”

Date June 27, 2024 Time 6pm CEST Register in advance: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QE6kti9tRX-ikqd88XBpbw Webinar in Spanish with subtitles in English. Speakers: Andrés Bosch, Fire Management National Service (Argentina) and Ariel Amthauer, National …

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“Partner Webinar Series” with Fantina Tedin

Date May 30, 2024 Time 6 p.m. (CEST) “Building resilient territories in the context of extreme wildfires“ Fantina Tedim has a PhD in Human Geography. She is a full professor …